copro-, copr-, kopro-, kopr-
(Greek: feces, dung, excrement; filth, dirt)
Any micro-organism; such as, a bacterium, found living in excrement.
A life form that thrives on faces: A coprophile is normally a fungus or a microorganism that grows in or lives off dung or another type of fecal substance.
1. An attraction of microorganisms to fecal matter.
2. In psychiatry, a morbid attraction to, and interest in (with a sexual element), fecal matter.
3. In psychology, an irrational interest in feces and defecation.
2. In psychiatry, a morbid attraction to, and interest in (with a sexual element), fecal matter.
3. In psychology, an irrational interest in feces and defecation.
coprophilous (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to a form of life that lives in excrement: Coprophilous bacteria thrive on or grow on dung or fecal matter.
An organism's attraction to filth or feces: Coprophily refers to the preference of some bacteria that inhabit dung and feed on and ingest the fecal matter.
The abnormal interjection of obscene words into speech.
coprophyte, coprophytic
A plant living on dung or fecal material.
A fecal impaction in the intestine of a person or of an animal: When Clifford went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with coprostasis, which was causing him so much pain in his bowel movement.
A substance, found normally in feces, formed by breaking down of cholesterol and other steroids from the bile by bacterial action in the intestine.
coprozoa (pl) (noun)
Protozoa that grow in fecal matter, but do not necessarily thrive in feces within the intestine: Cathy learned in her biology class at school that minute acellular or unicellular organisms that are formed in the excreta of animals, or coprozoa, only live outside the body of the organism that discharged it.
coprozoic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to organizms that live in fecal material: Coprozoic forms of life, such as protozoans, can be found in the manure, dung. or excrement of animals and can merge into parasites or into inhabitants of damp earth.
An organism that lives on or in fecal material: Tommy watched a documentary on TV about coprozoites that feed on dung, or that can also be parasites that live in manure.
The fossilized excrement of fish.
An organism thriving in habitats rich in bird droppings or feces: There are health risks involved from organisms, or ornithocoprophiles, that might be diseased and grow in the rich-nutrient heaps or piles of bird droppings.
Bird dung.
Other "dung, feces, scarab, excrement" units:
Contributions of dung beetles to healthier grazing animals.
Survival of dung beetles is vital to successful agriculture.